Fast LISA Response Tutorial

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

import h5py
from fastlisaresponse import pyResponseTDI, ResponseWrapper
from astropy import units as un

from lisatools.detector import EqualArmlengthOrbits, ESAOrbits

YRSID_SI = 31558149.763545603

This tutorial provides information on using fastlisaresponse: a generic time-domain LISA response function, including both projection on to constellation arms and TDI combinations. It is also GPU/CPU agnostic. The GPU capability is helpful for use in Bayesian inference algorithms. For more information and a detailed API, please see the documentation.

If you use this code, please cite arXiv:2204.06633 and the code’s Zenodo.

Warning: newest version (1.0.9) of code with lisatools orbits needs detailed testing before deployed for a paper.

Gravitational wave signal

fastlisaresponse takes any time domain signal in the form \(h(t) = h_+ + ih_\times\). We are going to use a Galactic binary waveform given by

\[h_{+,\text{src}} = -A(1+\cos^2{\iota})\cos{\Phi(t)}\qquad \text{ and}\]
\[h_{\times,\text{src}} = -2A\cos{\iota}\sin{\Phi(t)} \text{ ,}\]

where \(A\) is the amplitude; \(\iota\) is the inclination; and

\[\Phi(t) \approx -\phi_0 + 2\pi \left(f_0t + \frac{1}{2}\dot{f}_0t^2 + \frac{1}{6}\ddot{f}_0t^3 \right).\]

\(f\) is the initial gravitational wave frequency, and the over-dots are its time derivatives. The initial phase is \(\phi_0\).

This waveform is then transformed to the solar-system barycenter (SSB) frame with the polarization angle, \(\psi\):

\[\begin{split}\begin{bmatrix} h_{+,\text{SSB}} \\ h_{\times,\text{SSB}} \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} \cos{2\psi} & -\sin{2\psi}\\ \sin{2\psi} & \cos{2\psi} \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} h_{+,\text{src}} \\ h_{\times,\text{src}} \end{bmatrix}\ .\end{split}\]

The waveform here is called with a class to allow for GPU usage. Equivalently, you can just use a function. However, please note that the function must take the keyword arguments T and dt which are the total observation time in in years and the sampling rate in seconds (inverse of the sampling frequency).

class GBWave:
    def __init__(self, use_gpu=False):

        if use_gpu:
            self.xp = xp
            self.xp = np

    def __call__(self, A, f, fdot, iota, phi0, psi, T=1.0, dt=10.0):

        # get the t array
        t = self.xp.arange(0.0, T * YRSID_SI, dt)
        cos2psi = self.xp.cos(2.0 * psi)
        sin2psi = self.xp.sin(2.0 * psi)
        cosiota = self.xp.cos(iota)

        fddot = 11.0 / 3.0 * fdot ** 2 / f

        # phi0 is phi(t = 0) not phi(t = t0)
        phase = (
            2 * np.pi * (f * t + 1.0 / 2.0 * fdot * t ** 2 + 1.0 / 6.0 * fddot * t ** 3)
            - phi0

        hSp = -self.xp.cos(phase) * A * (1.0 + cosiota * cosiota)
        hSc = -self.xp.sin(phase) * 2.0 * A * cosiota

        hp = hSp * cos2psi - hSc * sin2psi
        hc = hSp * sin2psi + hSc * cos2psi

        return hp + 1j * hc
gb = GBWave(use_gpu=False)

Build waveforms

We will now move on to the response. The method and specific maths used to determine the response function can be found in our paper: arXiv:2204.06633. We recommend accessing the response through the fastlisaresponse.ResponseWrapper. You can access the response function itself through fastlisaresponse.pyTDIResponse. See the documentation for using this class directly as it is a bit more complicated. If you only need to use the projection portion or the TDI part, then you should access the response class itself. Otherwise, the wrapper should be fine. You can access the projections from the wrapper if need.

Setup classes

First we will setup everything to properly compute the response function for Galactic binary waveforms.

use_gpu = False

T = 2.0  # years
t0 = 10000.0  # time at which signal starts (chops off data at start of waveform where information is not correct)

sampling_frequency = 0.1
dt = 1 / sampling_frequency

# order of the langrangian interpolation
order = 25

# 1st or 2nd or custom (see docs for custom)
tdi_gen = "2nd generation"

index_lambda = 6
index_beta = 7

tdi_kwargs_esa = dict(
    order=order, tdi=tdi_gen, tdi_chan="AET",

gb_lisa_esa = ResponseWrapper(
    flip_hx=False,  # set to True if waveform is h+ - ihx
    remove_sky_coords=True,  # True if the waveform generator does not take sky coordinates
    is_ecliptic_latitude=True,  # False if using polar angle (theta)
    remove_garbage=True,  # removes the beginning of the signal that has bad information

# define GB parameters
A = 1.084702251e-22
f = 2.35962078e-3
fdot = 1.47197271e-17
iota = 1.11820901
phi0 = 4.91128699
psi = 2.3290324

beta = 0.9805742971871619
lam = 5.22979888

Run generator

chans = gb_lisa_esa(A, f, fdot, iota, phi0, psi, lam, beta)

Plot results

%matplotlib inline
fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 1, sharex=True)

for i, lab in enumerate(["A", "E", "T"]):
    ax[i].plot(np.arange(len(chans[0])) * dt / YRSID_SI, chans[i])

Custom TDI setup

Here is an example of the 2nd Generation TDI implementation within the code.

X1 = [
    {"link": 13, "links_for_delay": [], "sign": +1},
    {"link": 31, "links_for_delay": [13], "sign": +1},
    {"link": 12, "links_for_delay": [13, 31], "sign": +1},
    {"link": 21, "links_for_delay": [13, 31, 12], "sign": +1},
    {"link": 12, "links_for_delay": [], "sign": -1},
    {"link": 21, "links_for_delay": [12], "sign": -1},
    {"link": 13, "links_for_delay": [12, 21], "sign": -1},
    {"link": 31, "links_for_delay": [12, 21, 13], "sign": -1},

X2 = X1 + [
        {"link": 12, "links_for_delay": [13, 31, 12, 21], "sign": +1},
        {"link": 21, "links_for_delay": [13, 31, 12, 21, 12], "sign": +1},
            "link": 13,
            "links_for_delay": [13, 31, 12, 21, 12, 21],
            "sign": +1,
            "link": 31,
            "links_for_delay": [13, 31, 12, 21, 12, 21, 13],
            "sign": +1,
        {"link": 13, "links_for_delay": [12, 21, 13, 31], "sign": -1},
        {"link": 13, "links_for_delay": [12, 21, 13, 31, 13], "sign": -1},
            "link": 13,
            "links_for_delay": [12, 21, 13, 31, 13, 31],
            "sign": -1,
            "link": 13,
            "links_for_delay": [12, 21, 13, 31, 13, 31, 12],
            "sign": -1,

tdi_kwargs_custom = dict(
    order=order, tdi=X2, tdi_chan="AET",

gb_lisa_custom = ResponseWrapper(
    flip_hx=False,  # set to True if waveform is h+ - ihx
    remove_sky_coords=True,  # True if the waveform generator does not take sky coordinates
    is_ecliptic_latitude=True,  # False if using polar angle (theta)
    remove_garbage=True,  # removes the beginning of the signal that has bad information

chans = gb_lisa_esa(A, f, fdot, iota, phi0, psi, lam, beta)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 1, sharex=True)

for i, lab in enumerate(["A", "E", "T"]):
    ax[i].plot(np.arange(len(chans[0])) * dt / YRSID_SI, chans[i])