
Backends are used to store sampler information as it runs.

Regular Backend

class eryn.backends.Backend(store_missing_leaves=nan, dtype=None)

Bases: object

A simple default backend that stores the chain in memory

  • store_missing_leaves (double, optional) – Number to store for leaves that are not used in a specific step. (default: np.nan)

  • dtype (dtype, optional) – Dtype to use for data storage. If None, program uses np.float64. (default: None)


Number of accepted steps for within-model moves. The shape is (ntemps, nwalkers).


2D int np.ndarray


Inverse temperature latter at each step. Shape is (nsteps, ntemps). This keeps track of adjustable temperatures.


2D double np.ndarray


Stores extra blob information returned from likelihood function. Shape is (nsteps, ntemps, nwalkers, nblobs).


4D double np.ndarray


List of branch names.


list of str


Dictionary with branch_names as keys. The values are 5D double np.ndarray arrays with shape (nsteps, ntemps, nwalkers, nleaves_max, ndim). These are the locations of walkers over the MCMC run.




Dtype to use for data storage.




Keys are branch_names. Values are 4D bool np.ndarray of shape (nsteps, ntemps, nwalkers, nleaves_max). This array details which leaves are used in the current step. This is really only relevant for reversible jump.




If True, backend object has been initialized.




Current index within the data storage arrays.




Log of the prior values. Shape is (nsteps, nwalkers, ntemps).


3D double np.ndarray


Log of the likelihood values. Shape is (nsteps, nwalkers, ntemps).


3D double np.ndarray


Dictionary containing move info.




List of keys for move_info.




Number of branches.




Dimensionality of each branch.




Maximum allowable leaves for each branch.




The size of the ensemble (per temperature).




Number of rungs in the temperature ladder.




Arguments to reset backend.




Keyword arguments to reset backend.




If True, reversible-jump techniques are used.




Number of accepted steps for between-model moves. The shape is (ntemps, nwalkers).


2D int np.ndarray


Number to store for leaves that are not used in a specific step.




Allows for simple reset based on previous inputs

reset(nwalkers, ndims, nleaves_max=1, ntemps=1, branch_names=None, nbranches=1, rj=False, moves=None, **info)

Clear the state of the chain and empty the backend

  • nwalkers (int) – The size of the ensemble (per temperature).

  • ndims (int, list of ints, or dict) – The number of dimensions for each branch. If dict, keys should be the branch names and values the associated dimensionality.

  • nleaves_max (int, list of ints, or dict, optional) – Maximum allowable leaf count for each branch. It should have the same length as the number of branches. If dict, keys should be the branch names and values the associated maximal leaf value. (default: 1)

  • ntemps (int, optional) – Number of rungs in the temperature ladder. (default: 1)

  • branch_names (str or list of str, optional) – Names of the branches used. If not given, branches will be names model_0, …, model_n for n branches. (default: None)

  • nbranches (int, optional) – Number of branches. This is only used if branch_names is None. (default: 1)

  • rj (bool, optional) – If True, reversible-jump techniques are used. (default: False)

  • moves (list, optional) – List of all of the move classes input into the sampler. (default: None)

  • **info (dict, optional) – Any other key-value pairs to be added as attributes to the backend.


Returns True if the model includes blobs

get_value(name, thin=1, discard=0, slice_vals=None, temp_index=None)

Returns a requested value to user.

This function helps to streamline the backend for both basic and hdf backend.

  • name (str) – Name of value requested.

  • thin (int, optional) – Take only every thin steps from the chain. (default: 1)

  • discard (int, optional) – Discard the first discard steps in the chain as burn-in. (default: 0)

  • slice_vals (indexing np.ndarray or slice, optional) – Ignored for non-HDFBackend.

  • temp_index (int, optional) – Integer for the desired temperature index. If None, will return all temperatures. (default: None)


Values requested.

Return type:

dict or np.ndarray


Get the stored chain of MCMC samples

  • thin (int, optional) – Take only every thin steps from the chain. (default: 1)

  • discard (int, optional) – Discard the first discard steps in the chain as burn-in. (default: 0)

  • slice_vals (indexing np.ndarray or slice, optional) – This is only available in eryn.backends.hdfbackend. If provided, slice the array directly from the HDF5 file with slice = slice_vals. thin and discard will be ignored if slice_vals is not None. This is particularly useful if files are very large and the user only wants a small subset of the overall array. (default: None)

  • temp_index (int, optional) – Integer for the desired temperature index. If None, will return all temperatures. (default: None)


MCMC samples

The dictionary contains np.ndarrays of samples across the branches.

Return type:



Return the discard and thin values based on the autocorrelation length.

The discard is determined as 2 times the maximum correlation length among parameters. The thin is determined using 1/2 times the minimum correlation legnth among parameters.


Information on thin and burn

(discard, thin)

Return type:



Get the stored chain of MCMC samples

  • thin (int, optional) – Take only every thin steps from the chain. (default: 1)

  • discard (int, optional) – Discard the first discard steps in the chain as burn-in. (default: 0)

  • slice_vals (indexing np.ndarray or slice, optional) – This is only available in eryn.backends.hdfbackend. If provided, slice the array directly from the HDF5 file with slice = slice_vals. thin and discard will be ignored if slice_vals is not None. This is particularly useful if files are very large and the user only wants a small subset of the overall array. (default: None)

  • temp_index (int, optional) – Integer for the desired temperature index. If None, will return all temperatures. (default: None)


The inds associated with the MCMC samples.

The dictionary contains np.ndarrays of inds across the branches indicated which leaves were used at each step.

Return type:



Get the number of leaves for each walker

  • thin (int, optional) – Take only every thin steps from the chain. (default: 1)

  • discard (int, optional) – Discard the first discard steps in the chain as burn-in. (default: 0)

  • slice_vals (indexing np.ndarray or slice, optional) – This is only available in eryn.backends.hdfbackend. If provided, slice the array directly from the HDF5 file with slice = slice_vals. thin and discard will be ignored if slice_vals is not None. This is particularly useful if files are very large and the user only wants a small subset of the overall array. (default: None)

  • temp_index (int, optional) – Integer for the desired temperature index. If None, will return all temperatures. (default: None)


nleaves on each branch.
The number of leaves on each branch associated with the MCMC samples

within each branch.

Return type:



Get the chain of blobs for each sample in the chain

  • thin (int, optional) – Take only every thin steps from the chain. (default: 1)

  • discard (int, optional) – Discard the first discard steps in the chain as burn-in. (default: 0)

  • slice_vals (indexing np.ndarray or slice, optional) – This is only available in eryn.backends.hdfbackend. If provided, slice the array directly from the HDF5 file with slice = slice_vals. thin and discard will be ignored if slice_vals is not None. This is particularly useful if files are very large and the user only wants a small subset of the overall array. (default: None)

  • temp_index (int, optional) – Integer for the desired temperature index. If None, will return all temperatures. (default: None)


The chain of blobs.

Return type:

double np.ndarray[nsteps, ntemps, nwalkers, nblobs]


Get the chain of log Likelihood values evaluated at the MCMC samples

  • thin (int, optional) – Take only every thin steps from the chain. (default: 1)

  • discard (int, optional) – Discard the first discard steps in the chain as burn-in. (default: 0)

  • slice_vals (indexing np.ndarray or slice, optional) – This is only available in eryn.backends.hdfbackend. If provided, slice the array directly from the HDF5 file with slice = slice_vals. thin and discard will be ignored if slice_vals is not None. This is particularly useful if files are very large and the user only wants a small subset of the overall array. (default: None)

  • temp_index (int, optional) – Integer for the desired temperature index. If None, will return all temperatures. (default: None)


The chain of log likelihood values.

Return type:

double np.ndarray[nsteps, ntemps, nwalkers]


Get the chain of log Prior evaluated at the MCMC samples

  • thin (int, optional) – Take only every thin steps from the chain. (default: 1)

  • discard (int, optional) – Discard the first discard steps in the chain as burn-in. (default: 0)

  • slice_vals (indexing np.ndarray or slice, optional) – This is only available in eryn.backends.hdfbackend. If provided, slice the array directly from the HDF5 file with slice = slice_vals. thin and discard will be ignored if slice_vals is not None. This is particularly useful if files are very large and the user only wants a small subset of the overall array. (default: None)

  • temp_index (int, optional) – Integer for the desired temperature index. If None, will return all temperatures. (default: None)


The chain of log prior values.

Return type:

double np.ndarray[nsteps, ntemps, nwalkers]

get_log_posterior(temper: bool = False, **kwargs)

Get the chain of log posterior values evaluated at the MCMC samples

  • temper (bool, optional) – Apply tempering to the posterior values. (default: False)

  • thin (int, optional) – Take only every thin steps from the chain. (default: 1)

  • discard (int, optional) – Discard the first discard steps in the chain as burn-in. (default: 0)

  • slice_vals (indexing np.ndarray or slice, optional) – This is only available in eryn.backends.hdfbackend. If provided, slice the array directly from the HDF5 file with slice = slice_vals. thin and discard will be ignored if slice_vals is not None. This is particularly useful if files are very large and the user only wants a small subset of the overall array. (default: None)

  • temp_index (int, optional) – Integer for the desired temperature index. If None, will return all temperatures. (default: None)


The chain of log prior values.

Return type:

double np.ndarray[nsteps, ntemps, nwalkers]


Get the chain of inverse temperatures

  • thin (int, optional) – Take only every thin steps from the chain. (default: 1)

  • discard (int, optional) – Discard the first discard steps in the chain as burn-in. (default: 0)

  • slice_vals (indexing np.ndarray or slice, optional) – This is only available in eryn.backends.hdfbackend. If provided, slice the array directly from the HDF5 file with slice = slice_vals. thin and discard will be ignored if slice_vals is not None. This is particularly useful if files are very large and the user only wants a small subset of the overall array. (default: None)

  • temp_index (int, optional) – Integer for the desired temperature index. If None, will return all temperatures. (default: None)


The chain of temperatures.

Return type:

double np.ndarray[nsteps, ntemps]


Access a sample in the chain


it (int) – iteration of State to return.


eryn.state.State object containing the sample from the chain.

Return type:



AttributeError – Backend is not initialized.


Access the most recent sample in the chain


eryn.state.State object containing the last sample from the chain.

Return type:


get_autocorr_time(discard=0, thin=1, all_temps=False, multiply_thin=True, **kwargs)

Compute an estimate of the autocorrelation time for each parameter

  • discard (int, optional) – Discard the first discard steps in the chain as burn-in. (default: 0)

  • thin (int, optional) – Use only every thin steps from the chain. The returned estimate is multiplied by thin so the estimated time is in units of steps, not thinned steps. (default: 1)

  • all_temps (bool, optional) – If True, calculate autocorrelation across all temperatures. If False, calculate autocorrelation across the minumum temperature chain (usually T=1). (default: False)

  • multiply_thin (bool, optional) – into the autocorrelation length. (default: True)

Other arguments are passed directly to emcee.autocorr.integrated_time().


autocorrelation times

The dictionary contains autocorrelation times for all parameters as 1D double np.ndarrays as values with associated branch_names as keys.

Return type:


get_evidence_estimate(discard=0, thin=1, return_error=True, method='therodynamic', **ss_kwargs)

Get an estimate of the evidence

This function gets the sample information and uses thermodynamic_integration_log_evidence() or stepping_stone_log_evidence() to compute the evidence estimate.

  • discard (int, optional) – Discard the first discard steps in the chain as burn-in. (default: 0)

  • thin (int, optional) – Use only every thin steps from the chain. The returned estimate is multiplied by thin so the estimated time is in units of steps, not thinned steps. (default: 1)

  • return_error (bool, optional) – If True, return the error associated with the log evidence estimate. (default: True)

  • method (string, optional) – Method to compute the evidence. Available methods are the ‘thermodynamic’ and ‘stepping-stone’ (default: thermodynamic)


Evidence estimate

If requesting the error on the estimate, will receive a tuple: (logZ, dlogZ). Otherwise, just a double value of logZ.

Return type:

double or tuple

get_gelman_rubin_convergence_diagnostic(discard=0, thin=1, doprint=True, **psrf_kwargs)

The Gelman - Rubin convergence diagnostic. A general approach to monitoring convergence of MCMC output of multiple walkers. The function makes a comparison of within-chain and between-chain variances. A large deviation between these two variances indicates non-convergence, and the output [Rhat] deviates from unity.

Based on a. Brooks, SP. and Gelman, A. (1998) General methods for monitoring convergence of iterative simulations. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 7, 434-455 b. Gelman, A and Rubin, DB (1992) Inference from iterative simulation using multiple sequences, Statistical Science, 7, 457-511.

  • C (np.ndarray[nwalkers, nsamples, ndim]) – The parameter traces. The MCMC chains.

  • doprint (bool, optional) – Flag to print the results on screen.

discard (int, optional): Discard the first discard steps in

the chain as burn-in. (default: 0)

thin (int, optional): Use only every thin steps from the

chain. The returned estimate is multiplied by thin so the estimated time is in units of steps, not thinned steps. (default: 1)

doprint (bool, optional): Flag to print a table with the results, per temperature.

dict: Rhat_all_branches:

Returns an estimate of the Gelman-Rubin convergence diagnostic Rhat, per temperature, stored in a dictionary, per branch name.

property shape

The dimensions of the ensemble


Shape of samples

Keys are branch_names and values are tuples with shapes of individual branches: (ntemps, nwalkers, nleaves_max, ndim).

Return type:


grow(ngrow, blobs)

Expand the storage space by some number of samples

  • ngrow (int) – The number of steps to grow the chain.

  • blobs (None or np.ndarray) – The current array of blobs. This is used to compute the dtype for the blobs array.


Get move information.


Keys are move names and values are dictionaries with information on the moves.

Return type:


save_step(state, accepted, rj_accepted=None, swaps_accepted=None, moves_accepted_fraction=None)

Save a step to the backend

  • state (State) – The State of the ensemble.

  • accepted (ndarray) – An array of boolean flags indicating whether or not the proposal for each walker was accepted.

  • rj_accepted (ndarray, optional) – An array of the number of accepted steps for the reversible jump proposal for each walker. If self.rj is True, then rj_accepted must be an array with rj_accepted.shape == accepted.shape. If self.rj is False, then rj_accepted must be None, which is the default.

  • swaps_accepted (ndarray, optional) – 1D array with number of swaps accepted for the in-model step. (default: None)

  • moves_accepted_fraction (dict, optional) – Dict of acceptance fraction arrays for all of the moves in the sampler. This dict must have the same keys as self.move_keys. (default: None)

get_info(discard=0, thin=1)

Get an output info dictionary

This dictionary could be used for diagnostics or plotting.

  • discard (int, optional) – Discard the first discard steps in the chain as burn-in. (default: 0)

  • thin (int, optional) – Use only every thin steps from the chain. The returned estimate is multiplied by thin so the estimated time is in units of steps, not thinned steps. (default: 1)


Information for diagnostics

Dictionary that contains much of the information for diagnostic checks or plotting.

Return type:


HDF Backend

class eryn.backends.HDFBackend(filename, name='mcmc', read_only=False, dtype=None, compression=None, compression_opts=None, store_missing_leaves=nan)

Bases: Backend

A backend that stores the chain in an HDF5 file using h5py


You must install h5py to use this backend.

  • filename (str) – The name of the HDF5 file where the chain will be saved.

  • name (str, optional) – The name of the group where the chain will be saved. (default: "mcmc")

  • read_only (bool, optional) – If True, the backend will throw a RuntimeError if the file is opened with write access. (default: False)

  • dtype (dtype, optional) – Dtype to use for data storage. If None, program uses np.float64. (default: None)

  • compression (str, optional) – Compression type for h5 file. See more information in the h5py documentation. (default: None)

  • compression_opts (int, optional) –

    Compression level for h5 file. See more information in the h5py documentation. (default: None)

  • store_missing_leaves (double, optional) – Number to store for leaves that are not used in a specific step. (default: np.nan)

property initialized

Check if backend file has been initialized properly.


Opens the h5 file in the proper mode.


mode (str, optional) – Mode to open h5 file.


Opened file.

Return type:

H5 file object


RuntimeError – If backend is opened for writing when it is read-only.

reset(nwalkers, ndims, nleaves_max=1, ntemps=1, branch_names=None, nbranches=1, rj=False, moves=None, **info)

Clear the state of the chain and empty the backend

  • nwalkers (int) – The size of the ensemble

  • ndims (int, list of ints, or dict) – The number of dimensions for each branch. If dict, keys should be the branch names and values the associated dimensionality.

  • nleaves_max (int, list of ints, or dict, optional) – Maximum allowable leaf count for each branch. It should have the same length as the number of branches. If dict, keys should be the branch names and values the associated maximal leaf value. (default: 1)

  • ntemps (int, optional) – Number of rungs in the temperature ladder. (default: 1)

  • branch_names (str or list of str, optional) – Names of the branches used. If not given, branches will be names model_0, …, model_n for n branches. (default: None)

  • nbranches (int, optional) – Number of branches. This is only used if branch_names is None. (default: 1)

  • rj (bool, optional) – If True, reversible-jump techniques are used. (default: False)

  • moves (list, optional) – List of all of the move classes input into the sampler. (default: None)

  • **info (dict, optional) – Any other key-value pairs to be added as attributes to the backend. These are also added to the HDF5 file.

property nwalkers

Get nwalkers from h5 file.

property ntemps

Get ntemps from h5 file.

property rj

Get rj from h5 file.

property nleaves_max

Get nleaves_max from h5 file.

property ndims

Get ndims from h5 file.

property move_keys

Get move_keys from h5 file.

property branch_names

Get branch names from h5 file.

property nbranches

Get number of branches from h5 file.

property reset_args

Get reset_args from h5 file.

property reset_kwargs

Get reset_kwargs from h5 file.


Returns True if the model includes blobs

get_value(name, thin=1, discard=0, slice_vals=None, temp_index=None)

Returns a requested value to user.

This function helps to streamline the backend for both basic and hdf backend.

  • name (str) – Name of value requested.

  • thin (int, optional) – Take only every thin steps from the chain. (default: 1)

  • discard (int, optional) – Discard the first discard steps in the chain as burn-in. (default: 0)

  • slice_vals (indexing np.ndarray or slice, optional) – If provided, slice the array directly from the HDF5 file with slice = slice_vals. thin and discard will be ignored if slice_vals is not None. This is particularly useful if files are very large and the user only wants a small subset of the overall array. (default: None)

  • temp_index (int, optional) – Integer for the desired temperature index. If None, will return all temperatures. (default: None)


Values requested.

Return type:

dict or np.ndarray


Get move information.


Keys are move names and values are dictionaries with information on the moves.

Return type:


property shape

The dimensions of the ensemble


Shape of samples

Keys are branch_names and values are tuples with shapes of individual branches: (ntemps, nwalkers, nleaves_max, ndim).

Return type:


property iteration

Number of iterations stored in the hdf backend so far.

property accepted

Number of accepted moves per walker.

property rj_accepted

Number of accepted rj moves per walker.

property swaps_accepted

Number of accepted swaps.

property random_state

Get the random state

grow(ngrow, blobs)

Expand the storage space by some number of samples

  • ngrow (int) – The number of steps to grow the chain.

  • blobs (None or np.ndarray) – The current array of blobs. This is used to compute the dtype for the blobs array.

save_step(state, accepted, rj_accepted=None, swaps_accepted=None, moves_accepted_fraction=None)

Save a step to the backend

  • state (State) – The State of the ensemble.

  • accepted (ndarray) – An array of boolean flags indicating whether or not the proposal for each walker was accepted.

  • rj_accepted (ndarray, optional) – An array of the number of accepted steps for the reversible jump proposal for each walker. If self.rj is True, then rj_accepted must be an array with rj_accepted.shape == accepted.shape. If self.rj is False, then rj_accepted must be None, which is the default.

  • swaps_accepted (ndarray, optional) – 1D array with number of swaps accepted for the in-model step. (default: None)

  • moves_accepted_fraction (dict, optional) – Dict of acceptance fraction arrays for all of the moves in the sampler. This dict must have the same keys as self.move_keys. (default: None)


Access a sample in the chain


it (int) – iteration of State to return.


eryn.state.State object containing the sample from the chain.

Return type:



AttributeError – Backend is not initialized.


Return the discard and thin values based on the autocorrelation length.

The discard is determined as 2 times the maximum correlation length among parameters. The thin is determined using 1/2 times the minimum correlation legnth among parameters.


Information on thin and burn

(discard, thin)

Return type:


get_autocorr_time(discard=0, thin=1, all_temps=False, multiply_thin=True, **kwargs)

Compute an estimate of the autocorrelation time for each parameter

  • discard (int, optional) – Discard the first discard steps in the chain as burn-in. (default: 0)

  • thin (int, optional) – Use only every thin steps from the chain. The returned estimate is multiplied by thin so the estimated time is in units of steps, not thinned steps. (default: 1)

  • all_temps (bool, optional) – If True, calculate autocorrelation across all temperatures. If False, calculate autocorrelation across the minumum temperature chain (usually T=1). (default: False)

  • multiply_thin (bool, optional) – into the autocorrelation length. (default: True)

Other arguments are passed directly to emcee.autocorr.integrated_time().


autocorrelation times

The dictionary contains autocorrelation times for all parameters as 1D double np.ndarrays as values with associated branch_names as keys.

Return type:



Get the chain of inverse temperatures

  • thin (int, optional) – Take only every thin steps from the chain. (default: 1)

  • discard (int, optional) – Discard the first discard steps in the chain as burn-in. (default: 0)

  • slice_vals (indexing np.ndarray or slice, optional) – This is only available in eryn.backends.hdfbackend. If provided, slice the array directly from the HDF5 file with slice = slice_vals. thin and discard will be ignored if slice_vals is not None. This is particularly useful if files are very large and the user only wants a small subset of the overall array. (default: None)

  • temp_index (int, optional) – Integer for the desired temperature index. If None, will return all temperatures. (default: None)


The chain of temperatures.

Return type:

double np.ndarray[nsteps, ntemps]


Get the chain of blobs for each sample in the chain

  • thin (int, optional) – Take only every thin steps from the chain. (default: 1)

  • discard (int, optional) – Discard the first discard steps in the chain as burn-in. (default: 0)

  • slice_vals (indexing np.ndarray or slice, optional) – This is only available in eryn.backends.hdfbackend. If provided, slice the array directly from the HDF5 file with slice = slice_vals. thin and discard will be ignored if slice_vals is not None. This is particularly useful if files are very large and the user only wants a small subset of the overall array. (default: None)

  • temp_index (int, optional) – Integer for the desired temperature index. If None, will return all temperatures. (default: None)


The chain of blobs.

Return type:

double np.ndarray[nsteps, ntemps, nwalkers, nblobs]


Get the stored chain of MCMC samples

  • thin (int, optional) – Take only every thin steps from the chain. (default: 1)

  • discard (int, optional) – Discard the first discard steps in the chain as burn-in. (default: 0)

  • slice_vals (indexing np.ndarray or slice, optional) – This is only available in eryn.backends.hdfbackend. If provided, slice the array directly from the HDF5 file with slice = slice_vals. thin and discard will be ignored if slice_vals is not None. This is particularly useful if files are very large and the user only wants a small subset of the overall array. (default: None)

  • temp_index (int, optional) – Integer for the desired temperature index. If None, will return all temperatures. (default: None)


MCMC samples

The dictionary contains np.ndarrays of samples across the branches.

Return type:


get_evidence_estimate(discard=0, thin=1, return_error=True, method='therodynamic', **ss_kwargs)

Get an estimate of the evidence

This function gets the sample information and uses thermodynamic_integration_log_evidence() or stepping_stone_log_evidence() to compute the evidence estimate.

  • discard (int, optional) – Discard the first discard steps in the chain as burn-in. (default: 0)

  • thin (int, optional) – Use only every thin steps from the chain. The returned estimate is multiplied by thin so the estimated time is in units of steps, not thinned steps. (default: 1)

  • return_error (bool, optional) – If True, return the error associated with the log evidence estimate. (default: True)

  • method (string, optional) – Method to compute the evidence. Available methods are the ‘thermodynamic’ and ‘stepping-stone’ (default: thermodynamic)


Evidence estimate

If requesting the error on the estimate, will receive a tuple: (logZ, dlogZ). Otherwise, just a double value of logZ.

Return type:

double or tuple

get_gelman_rubin_convergence_diagnostic(discard=0, thin=1, doprint=True, **psrf_kwargs)

The Gelman - Rubin convergence diagnostic. A general approach to monitoring convergence of MCMC output of multiple walkers. The function makes a comparison of within-chain and between-chain variances. A large deviation between these two variances indicates non-convergence, and the output [Rhat] deviates from unity.

Based on a. Brooks, SP. and Gelman, A. (1998) General methods for monitoring convergence of iterative simulations. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 7, 434-455 b. Gelman, A and Rubin, DB (1992) Inference from iterative simulation using multiple sequences, Statistical Science, 7, 457-511.

  • C (np.ndarray[nwalkers, nsamples, ndim]) – The parameter traces. The MCMC chains.

  • doprint (bool, optional) – Flag to print the results on screen.

discard (int, optional): Discard the first discard steps in

the chain as burn-in. (default: 0)

thin (int, optional): Use only every thin steps from the

chain. The returned estimate is multiplied by thin so the estimated time is in units of steps, not thinned steps. (default: 1)

doprint (bool, optional): Flag to print a table with the results, per temperature.

dict: Rhat_all_branches:

Returns an estimate of the Gelman-Rubin convergence diagnostic Rhat, per temperature, stored in a dictionary, per branch name.


Get the stored chain of MCMC samples

  • thin (int, optional) – Take only every thin steps from the chain. (default: 1)

  • discard (int, optional) – Discard the first discard steps in the chain as burn-in. (default: 0)

  • slice_vals (indexing np.ndarray or slice, optional) – This is only available in eryn.backends.hdfbackend. If provided, slice the array directly from the HDF5 file with slice = slice_vals. thin and discard will be ignored if slice_vals is not None. This is particularly useful if files are very large and the user only wants a small subset of the overall array. (default: None)

  • temp_index (int, optional) – Integer for the desired temperature index. If None, will return all temperatures. (default: None)


The inds associated with the MCMC samples.

The dictionary contains np.ndarrays of inds across the branches indicated which leaves were used at each step.

Return type:


get_info(discard=0, thin=1)

Get an output info dictionary

This dictionary could be used for diagnostics or plotting.

  • discard (int, optional) – Discard the first discard steps in the chain as burn-in. (default: 0)

  • thin (int, optional) – Use only every thin steps from the chain. The returned estimate is multiplied by thin so the estimated time is in units of steps, not thinned steps. (default: 1)


Information for diagnostics

Dictionary that contains much of the information for diagnostic checks or plotting.

Return type:



Access the most recent sample in the chain


eryn.state.State object containing the last sample from the chain.

Return type:



Get the chain of log Likelihood values evaluated at the MCMC samples

  • thin (int, optional) – Take only every thin steps from the chain. (default: 1)

  • discard (int, optional) – Discard the first discard steps in the chain as burn-in. (default: 0)

  • slice_vals (indexing np.ndarray or slice, optional) – This is only available in eryn.backends.hdfbackend. If provided, slice the array directly from the HDF5 file with slice = slice_vals. thin and discard will be ignored if slice_vals is not None. This is particularly useful if files are very large and the user only wants a small subset of the overall array. (default: None)

  • temp_index (int, optional) – Integer for the desired temperature index. If None, will return all temperatures. (default: None)


The chain of log likelihood values.

Return type:

double np.ndarray[nsteps, ntemps, nwalkers]

get_log_posterior(temper: bool = False, **kwargs)

Get the chain of log posterior values evaluated at the MCMC samples

  • temper (bool, optional) – Apply tempering to the posterior values. (default: False)

  • thin (int, optional) – Take only every thin steps from the chain. (default: 1)

  • discard (int, optional) – Discard the first discard steps in the chain as burn-in. (default: 0)

  • slice_vals (indexing np.ndarray or slice, optional) – This is only available in eryn.backends.hdfbackend. If provided, slice the array directly from the HDF5 file with slice = slice_vals. thin and discard will be ignored if slice_vals is not None. This is particularly useful if files are very large and the user only wants a small subset of the overall array. (default: None)

  • temp_index (int, optional) – Integer for the desired temperature index. If None, will return all temperatures. (default: None)


The chain of log prior values.

Return type:

double np.ndarray[nsteps, ntemps, nwalkers]


Get the chain of log Prior evaluated at the MCMC samples

  • thin (int, optional) – Take only every thin steps from the chain. (default: 1)

  • discard (int, optional) – Discard the first discard steps in the chain as burn-in. (default: 0)

  • slice_vals (indexing np.ndarray or slice, optional) – This is only available in eryn.backends.hdfbackend. If provided, slice the array directly from the HDF5 file with slice = slice_vals. thin and discard will be ignored if slice_vals is not None. This is particularly useful if files are very large and the user only wants a small subset of the overall array. (default: None)

  • temp_index (int, optional) – Integer for the desired temperature index. If None, will return all temperatures. (default: None)


The chain of log prior values.

Return type:

double np.ndarray[nsteps, ntemps, nwalkers]


Get the number of leaves for each walker

  • thin (int, optional) – Take only every thin steps from the chain. (default: 1)

  • discard (int, optional) – Discard the first discard steps in the chain as burn-in. (default: 0)

  • slice_vals (indexing np.ndarray or slice, optional) – This is only available in eryn.backends.hdfbackend. If provided, slice the array directly from the HDF5 file with slice = slice_vals. thin and discard will be ignored if slice_vals is not None. This is particularly useful if files are very large and the user only wants a small subset of the overall array. (default: None)

  • temp_index (int, optional) – Integer for the desired temperature index. If None, will return all temperatures. (default: None)


nleaves on each branch.
The number of leaves on each branch associated with the MCMC samples

within each branch.

Return type:



Allows for simple reset based on previous inputs